Our college aspires to be the leading education institute with an international level of exellence in the region.
Our mission is to create an international level of educational experience for students focused on Disiplinary Knowledge,Leadership,Management Skills and Communication that will enable to generate a sustainable future and contribute to society.
Provide quality education on English Language, Information Technology, Business Management, Marketing and Advertising, Human Resource Management, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management who seek transformative knowledge, academic and professional qualifications.
Provide English language education to enhance communication and understanding to connect with the
globe effectively.
Educate working professionals for innovation, efficiency, productivity through education programmes and
modern workshops.
Create a platform for professionals to find career path and suitable job opportunities.
Provide Overseas Education Services and Visa Consultation to UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, German and many other destinations.
London College of Higher Education is affliated to London Business School.There by,we are a partner with Cyprus Institute of Marketing[The Globe Business Unversity], ABE UK(Association of Business Executives) and ATHE UK(Awards for Training and Higher Education). Our programmes are approved and registered under TVEC(The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission) in Sri Lanka.
Study at London Business School, which has the higher excellency in private higher education and most recognized qualifications are offered to students according to the current need of vocational and professional career. For More Details..
The Cyprus Institute of Marketing (BVI) is registered and licensed as a company in the British Virgin Islands. It has been offering its own Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Bachelors, and Master programmes for over two decades. For More Details..
ABE is a not-for-profit skills development specialist and awarding organisation providing internationally recognised learning, credentials and quality assurance in the fields of business, entrepreneurship and employability. For More Details..
ATHE is a global awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual and other UK and international regulators. They work with 200 recognised centres in over 35 countries to complement their strong brand presence in the UK. For More Details..
The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission was established in 1991 as the apex body in the technical and vocational education and training sector under the provisions of the Tertiary and Vocational Education Act No 20 of 1990. Its primary responsibility is policy formulation, planning, quality assurance, coordination and development of tertiary and vocational education in the country. For More Details..
Amila Fernando
Founder of the London College Of Higher Education